Friday, January 06, 2012

What to Expect at a One Day Tournament

1. Its a long day - matches usually start at 8am and run till 5 or 6pm

2. The girls will need to eat and drink through out the day - some times they will have 5min to grab a quick snack. ( make it healthy so they keep their energy all day)

3. Lunch - the girls will not have time to leave and each lunch - pack a lunch, some locations will have a snack bar. The girls like to share snacks during their lunch with each other. ( pretzels, grapes, granola ect...)

4. Have your daughter bring a blanket or a pillow to sit on as they usually make a small camp they go to in between matches.

5. Usually the girls do not have a lot of time off the court they are usually playing or refereeing most of the time. Usually get one long break of about 45 min and the rest are short 5 min breaks.

6. If they are not playing or refereeing or eating then they will be cheering on other teams from Southwind Rising.

7. Parents - Bring chairs - Bleachers get HARD - can be set up around the girls camp sight for relaxing in between games.

8. If you don't want your daughter to drop it or break it or loose it.. Don't bring it.

9. The girls will be refereeing. They will make bad calls and they will have bad calls go against them.... smile and move on.

10. Make a list so you dont forget anything. ( see below)

11. Typically day is:   7am - arrive at location
                                 8am - play first game
                                 8:50am - referee game
                                 9:40am - play 2nd game
                                10:30am - play 3rd game
                                 11:20am - break
                                 12:10pm - referee game
                                  1:00pm - play 4 th game
                                   1:50pm - short break
                                   2:00pm - start bracket play
                                   2:50pm - play 2nd game after winning first game
                                   3:40pm - play semi final
                                   4:30pm play final
                                   5:30pm pack up and head home ( your daughter will be tired and hungry)

PS.. if you loose in bracket play you have to stay and referee the next game.... not fun.

8pm - get home after stopping for dinner, sit down and relax. Take a min to think about all the fun your daughter had today and look forward to the next one.

·     Shoes
·     Socks ( extra pair is nice)
·     Knee Pads
·     Jersey x 2
·     Spandex ( extra pair is nice)
·     Gray warm up/ long sleeve t-shirt
·     Warm – Ups
·     Sports Bra

·     Hair Ties
·     Brush
·     Feminine Care Products
·     Pain Relievers ( Advil/Tylenol)

·     Snacks/ Not junk food
·     Drinks and Water bottle
·     Lunch
·     Pillow or blanket
·     Chair – for parent

·     Whistle – Ref
·     Pens and Pencils
·     Quarter
·     Yellow and Red Card
·     Small ruler

Thank you to John Bowen, parent rep U13-1, for taking some time to write out some insights he has learned from past experiences. 

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