Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I realize that today is Memorial Day but for the past week I have been thinking about how grateful I am for so many things. I usually go for a walk each day and I take that time to consider many things going on in my life and I continually come back to the blessings I have.

I am grateful for my family who loves, encourages, and supports me. I am not sure if the rest of the world has what I have but when I think about all they have done for me and stood by me I am grateful for my parents and three wonderful brothers.

I am grateful for my friends. When I think about the people I am surrounded by, and the people I have become friends with throughout my life, I am amazed by the quality of people I have in my life. People who also love, encourage and support me.

I am grateful for my health, each day I walk or run I am grateful that I can still workout. How many people in our own lives have lost their health. I am grateful for the minor aches and pains because they are minor and remind me that I am still blessed to be able to dress myself, feed myself, and play.

I am grateful for the many physical blessings that I have... shelter, food, cars, money.... and so much more.

Are there times that I wish my family had more power or influence? Yes, but when I think of my three brothers and their tremendous support and encouragement I could not ask for better siblings. They are there when I need them and even when I don't.... these are the "good guys" that so many people believe don't exist. When I think of all the encouragement and support from my parents... even to this day, I would not change their position in life or their wealth because they have given me riches that can not be counted.

There are many times in life that I am frustrated with people around me but when I stop and think about the people who call me "friend", I think about their values, love, and encouragement I feel secure in those relationships. I am sure there are many people who are also frustrated with me and some people who just don't like me very much. But if everyone liked me I wouldn't be human. When I hear about someone who doesn't care for me I consider it confirmation that I am doing something right. When you look at great figures throughout history they are either loved or hated... they inspire great emotion... I consider myself in good company. But those people whom I call "friends" have my best interest at heart and they stand by me no matter the cost. I am grateful for their friendship, I am grateful for their insights, I am grateful for their love.

There are moments when I think about my "glory days", if I only realized just how good I looked I would have dressed differently, I may have even gotten a belly button ring. ;) But now, as my body ages I some times feel sad that I may never recapture that youth. But then I think about my goals as a young girl, believe it or not, I wanted gray hair. Why?! I believe gray hair is a sign of wisdom and above all I have always wanted to be considered wise. I am not sure that others would agree that I have wisdom but the knowledge I have from my years of living far surpasses the knowledge I had as young, athletic woman. I am grateful that even as I age I am still capable of being athletic. I am grateful that medical science affords us a better life than what my parents or grandparents had.

Do I dream of having more "things"? Our society places pressure on us to buy the newest gadgets, to have the biggest homes we can afford, to purchase not just one but two cars. We are pressured every day we turn on the t.v. or radio to want more and to acquire material goods. But do we really need all of them... do we need the 3 flat screen t.v.'s? Do we need the extra computer? I love the things I have but what I love more is that I am given the freedom to have anything I want from material goods to position in life. What I love is the FREEDOM provided to me by this great nation. I am grateful for the men and women who have made our lives so comfortable and meaningful. I am grateful for those who have chosen to serve our nation in our military.

We can get caught up in the "things" we want but let's remember what makes it all possible. From the founding fathers who fought and were willing to give their lives to our freedom, to the men and women who traveled around the world to Europe, Asia, Middle East, as well as other places and have given their lives for our freedom. I know there are countries around the world who do not have a high opinion of our nation but do they understand that it is the blood shed by our nation that has afford peace to so many around the world? Do they understand that in times past our economy has proved a higher standard of living for them as well as ourselves? Do they understand that our "warrior" mentality is not due to our lack of education but rather to a sense of higher calling, a passion of freedom and human rights? I am grateful for our nation and the men and women who have served us.

So yes, it is Memorial Day but let us remember our fallen soldiers with a grateful heart.

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